Monday, April 8, 2013


Copyright is a huge issue at the moment and is problematic across all nations. It involves the artists getting payed and has not been a major issue until the internet became mainstream and artists found they're art was being downloaded at will and a lot of times for free.

In the article titled "What do we want copyright to do?" it explains how discussing what we want copyright to do is like discussing how long is a peace of string (meaningless). In order for artists to get payed properly for all theyre work they might have to have the government give them a certain amount of money yearly until they no longer consider themselves an artist. Nations across the world are discussing ways of shaping the new copyright laws for the 21st century and it seems that it is never easy.

Privacy and Security

I feel that privacy and security is definitely something that should be on the forefront of everyone's mind when on the internet. It is very important to know what you are doing and what the repercussions might be when accessing websites and running a Facebook page. One little mistake could literraly ruin your life, your future and possibly your relatives.

Such things as viruses and other types of malware can cost havoc and years of suffering and pain. All from just a simple website you thought was innocent looking or a file some "friend" sent you, this is why i feel everyone should have an anti virus and use caution when surfing the web. You can suffer from blackmail, identity theft, and even lose a job or job opportunity because of the internet. One simple example is from the article titled "Facebook Privacy is so confusing even the Zuckerberg family..." where a family photo is leaked onto the internet, this photo will never be deleted from the internet. That is a fact. Ignorance I feel is not an excuse.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Creativity Part B

I went a head and decided to create a character in the popular Guild Wars2 MMORPG. It is a a fun process because you can essentially change or edit anything from height to facial features. I can spend hours just customizing a character to my liking, because this is a character your will eventually spend hours upon hours staring at, you want to make sure the final product is something that you can take pride in. 


One I finished creating my character I am then tossed into a massive world where I can partake in quests and adventures and even form bonds and make friends across the world. It is truly remarkable what you can do with the MMORPG and meeting new people is definitely a plus. Meeting and keeping up with friends is one very big reason I play games like this. It was through a MMORPG that I met my best friend. You never know you you can encounter.


I have to say, I did not have a Twitter account before required to do so for my Technology class; It is one very useful tool. I have actually been using it outside of class and I feel like this is one tool that I will use from now on. Where have I been? Not sure what took me so long to create a Twitter account ha ha.

Well, compared to a Blog which I will admit will go to the wayside once class is over, Twitter has been much more enjoyable and useful to me.  I prefer Twitter followed by Blackboard. Blogs, well like I said, once class is over my blog is over ha ha.

I have followed a couple of company's which include RIOT Games and Sony's PlayStation twitter. Sony's Playstation twitters account is of course updating everyone on everything new with the up and coming gaming system (PS4). They have a few tweets on new games to be coming out with the system. RIOT has been rather quiet, however it does ramp up when they are introducing a new patch to one of their existing games.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

Social media is where everyone can get together and share or communicate information across digital media. It is basically an online community of sorts. Some examples are Facebook,Twitter, YouTube.
Social media  such as "Second Life" can also be used as tools for business as demonstrated in the article "Going to the virtual office in second life". Big name companies are actually encouraging its employees to create an avatar in second life and they can hold meetings in a virtual world. This saves on travel expenses and can be very convenient. One has to wonder if this is healthy though, this may be a glimpse of the future than could be grim. Human beings NEED human interaction, without this interaction brain development I expect could be affected, causing awkward social moments for those who live off of Second Life.
As of right now I am enrolled in Facebook, Blogger, and I am also signed up for YouTube to watch videos. It is for pure entertainment in my case.

Monday, February 18, 2013

World Wide Web

The world wide web is a huge part of everyone's life. Yet services do tend to go down as reported on the article titled "The Cloud Challenges Amazon". I personally am not a fan of the Cloud.
I can see the many benefits this may bring to the table, however once a company running a cloud goes down a lot of services go with it. The cloud is a online storage facility that stores all information and you as a consumer can access it from anywhere as long as your connected to the internet. But, as the article pointed out when amazons cloud went down ultimately leading to Netflix going down, it does have its problems.

The world wide web will most likely never go away. It is an integral part of everyone's daily lives and will continue to be so for many many years to come.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Networks and Communication

Networking and communication I feel is a double edged sword. It is great as far as convenience of use and it offers us with so many different ways of communicating. However, although all of this technology is great it does have its downfalls. It can become and addiction, I know of one person who sends 13,000+ texts every 10 days. that roughly equals to 1,300 to 1,400 texts every single day. Surely, such an addiction is not good.

One can also be distracted by texting for example. The article "Texting Woman falls in fountain, files lawsuit" is proof of this.
She was distracted and fell into a fountain. This is technically her fault and I doubt any judge would take her side. Texting can kill, I do not know the exact figure of many traffic deaths are due to texting while driving. Not only can texting and networking cause injury or even death but it can cause emotional pain and stress. There is such a thing as bullying over social media sites. Networking and not having normal face to face time can affect the way people communicate with one another. It can lead to people feeling shy or overly awkward when in group situation.