Sunday, March 10, 2013

Creativity Part B

I went a head and decided to create a character in the popular Guild Wars2 MMORPG. It is a a fun process because you can essentially change or edit anything from height to facial features. I can spend hours just customizing a character to my liking, because this is a character your will eventually spend hours upon hours staring at, you want to make sure the final product is something that you can take pride in. 


One I finished creating my character I am then tossed into a massive world where I can partake in quests and adventures and even form bonds and make friends across the world. It is truly remarkable what you can do with the MMORPG and meeting new people is definitely a plus. Meeting and keeping up with friends is one very big reason I play games like this. It was through a MMORPG that I met my best friend. You never know you you can encounter.


I have to say, I did not have a Twitter account before required to do so for my Technology class; It is one very useful tool. I have actually been using it outside of class and I feel like this is one tool that I will use from now on. Where have I been? Not sure what took me so long to create a Twitter account ha ha.

Well, compared to a Blog which I will admit will go to the wayside once class is over, Twitter has been much more enjoyable and useful to me.  I prefer Twitter followed by Blackboard. Blogs, well like I said, once class is over my blog is over ha ha.

I have followed a couple of company's which include RIOT Games and Sony's PlayStation twitter. Sony's Playstation twitters account is of course updating everyone on everything new with the up and coming gaming system (PS4). They have a few tweets on new games to be coming out with the system. RIOT has been rather quiet, however it does ramp up when they are introducing a new patch to one of their existing games.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social Media

Social media is where everyone can get together and share or communicate information across digital media. It is basically an online community of sorts. Some examples are Facebook,Twitter, YouTube.
Social media  such as "Second Life" can also be used as tools for business as demonstrated in the article "Going to the virtual office in second life". Big name companies are actually encouraging its employees to create an avatar in second life and they can hold meetings in a virtual world. This saves on travel expenses and can be very convenient. One has to wonder if this is healthy though, this may be a glimpse of the future than could be grim. Human beings NEED human interaction, without this interaction brain development I expect could be affected, causing awkward social moments for those who live off of Second Life.
As of right now I am enrolled in Facebook, Blogger, and I am also signed up for YouTube to watch videos. It is for pure entertainment in my case.